First-of-its-kind hybrid telehealth weight
management care launched in Singapore.
Singapore, 13 February 2025 – ORA Group, a Singapore-based health and wellness company known for its leading telehealth services, andSons and OVA—catering to male and female healthcare needs respectively—has expanded its services to launch hybrid weight management care. The model uniquely combines specialist virtual and in-person consultations, with the one consistent healthcare team.
The launch comes in response to Singapore’s rising obesity rate and the growing role of telehealth in the country’s healthcare system, with a need for ongoing efforts to balance convenience, affordability, and quality care.
Facilitating the hybrid care expansion is partnership with Arden Endocrinology Specialist Clinic. The partnership sees Adjunct Assistant Professor Dr Ben Ng, Director of the Clinic, appointed as ORA’s first Chief Medical Advisor.
“With nearly 12% of Singaporeans obese, and a further 30% overweight, and with those figures rising and placing pressure on our health system, innovative care models are required to tackle the issue in ways new to Singapore,” said Dr Ng.
“Obesity and being overweight are complex conditions that require a multifaceted approach. The hybrid package of telehealth and in-clinic consultation now provides Singaporeans a comprehensive care pathway that combines the latest in digital health convenience with specialised in-person care.”
ORA patients will now be able to access more comprehensive evaluation of their weight and other possible associated health conditions that obesity is a significant risk factor for including diabetes, endocrine and thyroid problems. The partnership also opens a more holistic range of care options, leveraging the expertise of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals, a full range of tailored anti-obesity medication options, personalised nutrition and exercise planning, and bariatric surgery counselling and referral – with the connivence of interspersed telehealth support via andSons and OVA.
Patient perspective:
“Accessible and flexible support is so important for anyone embarking on a weight-management journey” said Aditya Bhat, a patient of the Arden Specialist Endocrine Clinic. “For me, having a specialist and consistent care team has enabled me to take a holistic approach to weight loss, which has been the key to success. I hope others in Singapore will now benefit from the same level of care with a choice of telehealth or in-person support. It can be a tough and a sensitive matter to discuss with your doctor, so this offers a safe and convenient space.”
The telehealth spotlight:
The launch of ORA’s hybrid care model comes at a time when telehealth in Singapore has been under closer scrutiny, with the Ministry of Health examining the quality of care provided by some online providers. ORA is committed to raising the bar for telemedicine, setting a new standard for high-quality, patient-centered care that blends digital health innovation with traditional, in-person medical expertise to change outcomes.
ORA’s hybrid care services are available via andSons and OVA now, to learn more visit or